Saint appeared in the tower defense that laugh!nLets play with space exploration Symbol of saints laugh now!
累計40万DL以上の笑う聖者がタワーディフェンスになって登場!聖者がいろんな星を探検するぞ!50を超えるステージで聖者が大暴れ!キャラも盛りだくさんだぞ!【遊び方】戦闘では時間が経つとパワーがたまるぞ。たまったパワーでキャラを出撃しよう!相手の基地を破壊するとステージクリア!ステージをどんどんクリアしてストーリーを進めよう!ステージをクリアすると経験値とコインがもらえるぞ。経験値をためるとプレイヤーレベルがアップ!レベルが上がるとパワーの最大値が上がって味方の基地のHPも増えるぞ。コインはキャラの育成に必要だぞ。いっぱいコインをためてキャラをレベルアップさせよう!さあ君も今すぐタワーディフェンスゲーム 笑う聖者の宇宙探検記で遊ぼう!---------- 株式会社バイバイの最新ゲーム情報はこちら! appeared in total 400,000 DL more than laughs cormorant saints become a Tower Defense!Saints to explore a lot of stars!Rampage saint on stage more than 50!Chara also a plenty!【how to play】Tamar over time and power in combat.Trying to sortie the characters in the accumulated power!Clear the stage and to destroy the base of the opponent!Let Susumeyo the story more and more clear the stage!You get the experience and coins to clear the stage.Players level up and earn experience points!Also it increases HP of the base of the allies when the level rises up the maximum value of the power.Coin is a need in the development of character.Trying to level up a character and reservoir the full coin!Now you will also play in the Space Exploration Symbol of saints that now laugh immediately tower defense game!----------The latest game information, Inc. bye-bye is here!